Civil Engagement Group motion on poverty passes the Seanad
Yesterday in the Seanad, a motion on poverty and social exclusion introduced by my Civil Engagement Group colleague Senator Lynn Ruane passed unanimously. I was delighted to co-sponsor this motion, as it not only highlights the real and unnecessary poverty and exclusion felt by many across society but lays out concrete measures the State could take to begin to address poverty seriously.
The motion acknowledged that in 2021, 11.6% of the population of Ireland, or 581,334 people, were living in poverty, of which 163,936 were children and also highlighted that the State has failed to achieve its target of reducing consistent poverty to 2% or less by 2020, and that previous targets in this regard have not been met on a consistent basis. It also acknowledges the closing down of the Combat Poverty Agency in 2009 as a regressive step.
In the course of the debate, my colleagues Senator Ruane and Senator Eileen Flynn made powerful speeches informed by lived experience and drove home the fact that to be in poverty is, in and of itself, very costly -- poverty imposes significant psychological, emotional and social costs on individuals, families and communities.
The motion lays out a number of progressive steps which Government should take to effectively fight the root causes of poverty in our society. These measures include: re-establishing an independent Combat Poverty Agency, or a similar independent statutory body, which is empowered and resourced to develop long-term anti-poverty strategies, carry out important research, and lead the Government’s anti-poverty response; supporting and resourcing ongoing independent research based on the Minimum Essential Standards of Living (MESL) and applying the learnings from this research in an ongoing analysis of policies relating to welfare payments and the development of a living wage; and carrying out research on the potential introduction of a Universal Basic Income for certain groups, in particular care leavers.
If you would like to read the debate, you can view it here: Poverty and Social Exclusion: Motion – Seanad Éireann (26th Seanad) – Wednesday, 19 Oct 2022 – Houses of the Oireachtas. Our Group will be following up with the Government on these measures and advocating for their implementation.
Senator Alice-Mary Higgins speaking on Order of Business about the rushing of legislation through the Seanad.
Senator Alice-Mary Higgins speaking on Order of Business in the Seanad. Senator Higgins spoke out against the rushed conduction of the Forestry (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2020 through the Oireachtas, particularly highlighting how the taking of Committee and Report Stage of the Bill together and having an amendment deadline for TD's before the Seanad has debated the Bill undermines due process and legislative scrutiny.
Senator Alice-Mary Higgins speaking on Statements on Education in the Seanad
Senator Alice-Mary Higgns speaking on Statements onEducation in the Seanad. Addressing Minister for Education, Norma Foley, Senator Higgins highlighted class sizes, heath and safety for staff and students and fair treatment for third-lvel applicants who completed their Leaving Cert before 2020.
Senator Alice-Mary Higgins speaking on the Forestry (Miscellaneous) Provisions Bill 2020
Senator Alice-Mary Higgins speaking on the Forestry (Miscellaneous) Provisions Bill 2020 Second Stage in the Seanad.
Civil Engagement Group Senators Speaking About Traveller Pride Week
Senators Eileen Flynn, Alice Mary Higgins, Lynn Ruane and Frances Black spoke about celebrating the contributions of Travellers to Irish public life and wished everyone a happy Traveller Pride Week. The Senators also discussed the important work ahead to fight for real equality for Travellers in Irish society.
Senator Higgins speaking on the Financial Provisions (COVID-19) Bill
Senator Higgins proposed a number of amendments to the legislation ratifying the Pan-European Guarantee Fund aimed at increasing the monies available to our public sector companies and national and social infrastructure. Senator Higgins also spoke of the need to ensure transparency of EU institutions and to be cognisant of our responsibility to acheive the Sustainable Development Goals, when planning recovery funds such as these.
Senator Alice-Mary Higgins speaking on the Offences Against the State Act
Senator Alice-Mary Higgins highlighting the civil liberties issues within the Offences Against the State Act, during its 2020 renewal debate in the Seanad.
Senator Alice-Mary Higgins discusses the importance of social trust during the COVID-19 crisis
In passing the second emergency legislation relating to the COVID-19 crisis, Senator Higgins highlighted the importance of honoring the trust that has been placed in the government and the public services by members of the public during these extraordinary times.