In the Media
“Yet again, Alice Mary Higgins blows away the opposition with her prodigious work rate and high-quality, well researched contributions. She contributes to debates on a wide range of bills – correcting, amending and commenting. “She was absolutely outstanding,” said a colleague. “She saw the global picture, knew her subject inside out, was detailed and logical and spent hours in the chamber.” Miriam Lord’s Dáilympics (Irish Times, 24/7/2021)
“Alice Mary Higgins, independent senator and member of the Oireachtas climate committee, said that when the carbon budgets were finally published, they needed to front-load action in the first five years. We need to see that flight path and we need to see significant action start to happen in the first budget,” she said, emphasising that the longer climate action is put off, the harder it will be.” Interview on the Climate Bill (Business Post, 25/7/2021)
“When corners are cut on procurement, that can have a very real, sometimes devastating, impact on individuals, families and communities. However, when we put thought and care into improving the quality of public goods, services and infrastructure, that can make a truly transformative and positive difference to all our daily lives.”
Extract from op-ed on my Public Procurement legislation (, 24/3/2021)
“If public land is made available for the purposes of cost rental, I believe that that should revert to public ownership after the period of time. Even if those homes or land aren’t needed for cost-rental homes in 100 years’ time, maybe the land is needed for something else – a hospital, energy needs, or childcare spaces. We need to plan for future generations.”
Quote from interview on the Affordable Housing Bill (Dublin Inquirer, 30/6/2021)
“The opposition to a waiver from the European Commission on behalf of the European Union is now very much a minority position and has been internationally criticised as contributing to the unnecessary prolongation of the pandemic and undermining the social and economic sacrifices so many have made in an effort to end this pandemic.”
Extract from Irish Times letter, co-signed by members of the Dáil and Seanad, calling on the Government to support a TRIPS waiver on COVID-19 vaccine technology (23/7/2021)