The 'low-ball' public procurement model is broken and needs reform

Senator Alice-Mary Higgins, Senator Lynn Ruane and Senator Frances Black launching Senator Higgins' Quality in Public Procurement Legislation
Senator Alice-Mary Higgins, Senator Lynn Ruane and Senator Frances Black launching Senator Higgins' Quality in Public Procurement Legislation

Read my op-ed in The Journal here -

IN 2019, IRELAND spent €12 billion on contracts for goods, services and construction. This figure is set to rise considerably in the coming years as €116 billion in major capital works projects are rolled out under the National Development Plan.

The public has a right to expect that when money is spent on their behalf, it is spent in a way that delivers the best results. That requires a carefully thought-through approach to the quality of standards and performance in areas like sustainability, social impact, decent employment and design.

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Failure to address glaring inequality on pensions in Budget 2018 is indefensible - Government must face up to its responsibilities towards older women

Senator Alice-Mary Higgins seeks special debate on gender and equality aspects of Budget 2018

Senator Higgins said “The failure to address this glaring inequality on pensions in Budget 2018 is indefensible, particularly given Government promises on gender and equality proofing of the budget. I am calling on Pascal Donohoe to allocate additional funds to address this before the Finance and Social Welfare Bills pass through the Oireachtas. Senator Higgins has also called for a special Seanad debate on gender and equality aspects of Budget 2018, in particular the failure to address the glaring pension inequality within the contributory state pension system.

Senator Alice-Mary Higgins speaking on the Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes Bill

In the Seanad, Senator Higgins spoke at length at Committee Stage against the most harmful provisions contained in this Bill. She argued that it undermines the ability of adoptees and surviviors of institutional abuse to access justice.

Specifically at this point of the debate the Senator urged the Minister and other Senators to ensure that the rights of the individual to have their experiences acknowledged is essential if there is to be any form of justice for adoptees and survivors.