Senator Higgins calls for peace in Yemen with support from all parties and independents

A motion brought by Senator Alice-Mary Higgins calling for peace, political engagement and humanitarian support in Yemen, has today received support from Senators across all parties and independents, including the government.

The motion was introduced by independent Senator Alice-Mary Higgins who is leader of the Civil Engagement group in the Seanad and also the chair of the Oireachtas Peace, Neutrality and Disarmament group. 

Senator Higgins explained why she believes Ireland can and should support efforts for peace in Yemen, “The conflict in Yemen has taken the lives of many civilians and placed many more in grave danger. Ireland has a powerful international record as peacekeepers, honest brokers and champions of multilateral diplomacy and it is important that we use our voice to support humanitarian and political solutions to the current crisis, with a strong focus on human rights.”

The resolution also references Ireland’s reputation in the area of disarmament and calls on all international parties to cease trading in arms which contribute to the conflict.

Senator Higgins continued, “Last week saw an important breakthrough with a ceasefire promised in the port of Hodeidah. There is an opportunity now for Ireland and other countries to support the implementation and extension of the ceasefire and ensure the delivery of much needed aid to the people who urgently need it. There is a real opportunity for progress now but it requires countries committed to international human rights to scale up their response by supporting the vital work of humanitarian aid workers and intensifying diplomatic efforts.”

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