Senator Alice-Mary Higgins launches NUI Galway Sustainability Strategy
On Wednesday 15th November 2017, Senator Alice-Mary Higgins launched NUI Galway's Sustainability Strategy.
Senator Alice-Mary Higgins speaking on the introduction of the Seanad Reform Bill 2020 to the Seanad and the need to ensure that Seanad Reform is both comprehensive and forthcoming.
Senator Higgins also reflected on the mandate for reform given by the public in both 1979 and 2013 and how this Seanad must deliver on that mandate while valuingand encing the work that the Seanad does.
On Wednesday 15th November 2017, Senator Alice-Mary Higgins launched NUI Galway's Sustainability Strategy.
In response to President Trump’s executive order banning travel to the U.S.A. from seven Muslim-majority countries, Senator Higgins joined others in the Seanad in raising grave concerns about its legal and moral implications. She highlighted the need for urgent review of the preclearance agreement in effect at Irish airports to ensure Irish and international laws are upheld under the ban.