Senator Alice-Mary Higgins launches Age Action's Report "Towards a Fair State Pension for Women Pensioners"

On the 8th Februrary 2016, Senator Higgins launched the Age Action Report which detailed how the changes introduced in 2012 to pension entitlements had a disproportionately negative impact on women. 

Senator Higgins had contributed to the research for this report which was written by Maureen Bassett and commissioned by Age Action. The changes introduced in 2012 disadvantaged many of the same women who had been impacted by the legacy of past injustices such as the marriage bar. 

Senator Higgins has previously campaigned for just pension reform in her roles with Older and Bolder and the National Women's Council of Ireland, in particular addressing the gender pension gap. As a member of the Social Protection committee, she continues to bring the systemic gender inequality in Ireland's pension system to the agenda. 

The launch of this report was covered in the Irish Independent,

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