Senator Alice-Mary Higgins joins demonstration demanding the ratification of the UNCRPD

Senator Alice-Mary Higgins attends UNCRPD demo outside Leinster House
Senator Alice-Mary Higgins attends UNCRPD demo outside Leinster House

The Irish government signed the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in March 2007. Ten years later, the government still hasn't ratified this convention. I joined the crowds outside Leinster House to demand no more delays to the ratification of this convention. The incredible Joanne O'Riordan delivered a very powerful speech calling on Ireland to ratify the convention and to deliver equal rights for people living with a disability here. 

I continue to work with my colleague in the Civil Engagement Group, Senator John Dolan of the Disability Federation of Ireland to advocate for the rights of persons with disabilities in the Seanad.

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